Racing Series and Championships are complex and expensive to create, maintain and develop. It takes startup investment, a big element of risk, a decent marketing budget and a bold and clear idea of what you want to create. As a group of enthusiasts we have the later – a clear vision of close and clean racing for link-minded competitors of Seven-esque cars where you can enjoy a standard-spec car alongside varying degrees of home and pro developed cars and where no car becomes obsolete or requires a mandatory upgrade to remain eligible.
For our inaugural season, we have found a warm welcome within the MSVR family as part of a new class in the All-Comers races. 12 rounds over 6 single day events. Yes we will be alongside other cars this season but it is an innovative way to develop into our own fully fledged Seven-esque grid in the future.
All we ask is for drivers to join our club and enter races directly with MSVR using the race number our club allocates into All-Comers class S7. The club reinvests all membership fees into marketing and development with the aim of being fully member-led and member-driven for the 2026 season on our own grid. For 2025, Sensational 7s is being led by volunteer co-ordinators (events management experts TPR Events) within the Sensational 7s motor club rules and constitution. All races are under MSVR All-Comers regs and results will be published formally as such.
So come and join us and let’s create a home for like-minded competitors in like-minded cars and enjoy our time racing….. that is what we are all about.